Saturday, January 27, 2007

Handwriting and Our Personality

The handwriting in this picture belong to my nephew, Aziz. He’s really into Wrestling and adores John Cena very much. He came to visit me in Nottingham last December with the rest of the family. I really missed them now that they’ve gone back. Talking about handwriting, I always envy my father who has a very nice handwriting and can do Arabic calligraphy. Mine is straight-line, unconnected, kind-of round figures handwrite and unchanged since my school days. One of Malaysia's well-known counsellor, Dato Dr Fadzillah Kamsah, describe someone who has unchanged handwriting as someone who’s not easily influenced by others, stick to her personality and principle. I don’t know if that’s entirely true… some of it maybe. I’m kind of stubborn at times.
Here’s some interesting information about handwriting and how it describe our personality, which I found in one of the web page.

BACKWARD - indicates that you are shy and afraid to show your feelings, hesitant.

STRAIGHT UP AND DOWN - indicates that you are a person with a strong need for contact

FULLY CONNECTED - indicates that you are a social person who likes to talk and meet others.

PARTIALLY CONNECTED - indicates that you are a shy, idealistic person who does not find it easy to have relationships, especially intimate ones.

UNCONNECTED - indicates that you are a person who thinks before acting, intelligent and thorough.

WIDE SPACES - indicates that you are reserved, shy, cautious, and thoughtful.

NARROW SPACES - indicates that you are a talkative person, maybe even a busybody!

NO SPACES - indicates that you are not very reserved, impatient, self-confident and fond of action

VERY FAR APART - indicates that you are isolated, detached, reserved, maybe even antisocial.

APART FAR ENOUGH THAT LETTERS DO NOT TOUCH - indicates that you are a person who is uneconomical and talkative.

Why is it important for us to know about our personality through our handwriting? Well, according to Dato’, personality is something that can be changed and influenced. So, we can actually change or influence our behaviour or personality by changing the way we write. Try to write something now… if the spaces is very far apart this shows that you are isolated, reserved and maybe even antisocial. So, try to change your handwriting to narrow the spaces down. Maybe in times, it can make you be a more talkative person, but try not to be too busybody!

Comes to think about this handwriting stuff, I wonder if our preference of FONT when using computer does indicate anything? Hmm… Yes, I think it does….

Singing and Public Apperance

Jangan Berhenti Mencintai Ku (Don’t Stop Loving Me) by an Indonesian singer, Titi DJ is my favourite song. I don’t know why that song put tears in my eyes… the first few lyric… “Jangan berhenti mencintaiku, Meski mentari berhenti bersinar, Jangan berubah sedikit pun, Di dalam Cintamu Kutemukan Bahagia…” I’ll try translate it, hope I get it right... well it means something like this… “Please don’t stop loving me, even when the sun no longer shine, please don’t ever change, in your love I find happiness”. Isn’t it lovely?...

I enjoy music. In fact, I love to sing. My first experience singing on stage was in form 6 (back in 1989?). I sang a song called ‘Kau Merubah Segalanya’, by a Malaysian singer, Fauziah Latif. But my most memorable experience on stage, I would say, would be the one when I sang with the Malaysian Diva, Siti Nurhaliza (now Datuk Siti Nurhaliza), at Jerudong Park Amphitheatre. It’s really a wonderful memory…It’s not that I’m a professional singer or whatsoever, if that’s what you all think, I just happened to be challanged by my sisters and cousins to go on stage when Datuk Siti invited the audience to sing with her on stage.

Well, I’ve appeared in several programme on our local tv few years ago, ‘Dian Hijrah’, ‘Isra’ Mikraj’ & others. I joined quite a few singing competition, live on tv, during national or royal celebrations and others. It’s really fun. My last appearance on stage was last December when I joined the Brumanch Talentime in Manchester(in traditional category). One of the girls asked me, how do you feel when you’re on stage? Don’t you have stage fright? I said, yes, I do but only for the first few minutes. Then I start enjoying it and present the best that I could… eventhough sometimes… it’s not really good… ha…

I do agree though that public appearance is not really everyone’s favourite thing to do. It’s not a born-with talent, you have to learn and practice it. That’s why I and my family, (we have a committee member called Usratu As-Saidah which means happy family), like to organise a family show or celebration, so that all the children can show their talent, singing, dancing on stage. We even have organised an ‘Akademi Fantasia/American Idol’-type of show where 12 children sing and act like their idol. It’s fun to watch their video…I think the youngest participant was actually less than 5 years old at that time.

So those out there who have problems with public appearance, just keep on rehearsing and practicing… practice makes perfect…you’ll never know unless you try.

"A great deal of talent is lost to the world for want of a little courage. Every day sends to their graves obscure men whose timidity prevented them from making a first effort." - Sydney Smith

Friday, January 26, 2007

me and memory

I didn't realise it's November that I last write in this blog... it's January now... 2007.. and I still thought it's 2006 because I said to myself today... what a nice number today, its 26 january 2006. Then, it came to me that it's already 2007. My... what an absent-minded I am..

I'm well-known for my forgetfulness.... my family, friends...nothing will surprise them...There was time when I drove my car and didn't realise that my umbrella was still hanging on the side mirror.... and I thought the guy driving next to my car was smiling because he like me!. There were other events too when I left my car door open, forgot my car keys hanging on the trunk lids, forgot my passport when we're going to Miri... ha.. I could write about my scatterbrained longer than my 5,000 assignments...

It's funny though how human brain work... despite my forgetfulness, I could remember hundreds of phone numbers, date of birth, identity card numbers of my family & friends... I don't know how but I just have a technique of putting two and two together... for example, our postcode number is BC2715. So I just keep in my mind that the postcode is a combination of my date of birth and my sister's. Or two of my cousin/friend's birth date falls on the 11 September...the 11 September!!....My sister's association membership no. is 2438 that's the same as my uncle's car licence 438, or my teacher in the secondary 5 phone number is 4481511, when he told me about it twenty years ago, he said to me 4+4 equal to 8 and 1511 (Portugese capture Malacca).

I guess it's just easier to remember things when it can be related to something. Thomas Nissen, a Danish psychologist called it cumulative learning. It occur when you learn something off by heart, or invent a connection to something that you know.

I called it my other not-so-forgetful memory...